In order to allow as many contributors as possible to go through the program, please follow the following rules:
- You have MAXIMUM 7 DAYS to complete your assignment.
- You have MAXIMUM 3 DAYS to complete your corrections based on received feedback.
- If you need more time to complete your assignment or corrections, you must inform your sensei. Your sensei will be understanding of your situation. If your sensei does not hear from you within the allotted time to complete your assignment/corrections, you may receive a warning letter. You will then have 3 days to respond before being cut.
- Please do not work on outside projects in your area of study (segmenting if you are in Segging Academy) while you are a student.
- Please be humble and respectful to constructive criticism.
NOTE: If you do not hear from your sensei within 5 days of completing your assignment or corrections, please send another message to verify that your sensei received it. If you still do not receive a reply after 2 days, you may send a message to Stariz or bjohnsonwong, who will follow up with your sensei. If still no response, another sensei will be assigned to you.
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